Q&A with Lisa
“I would shy away from sports because I wasn’t into gymnastics and dance like other girls”
Meet Lisa, a 15 year old who discovered a love of sport and exercise after struggling to find a sport she enjoyed when she was younger.
Hi Lisa, tell us a bit about yourself!
Hello, my name is Lisa, and I am currently a year 10 student. My favourite sport would have to be netball, which I currently play three times a week. I got into netball through school. We would do it in PE and I loved it so I decided to join the after school club that ran once a week to play it more. I love how team based netball is and how supportive every team member is. In netball you can’t move with the ball so as a team we are reliant on one another to support each other throughout the matches.
Did you enjoy exercise when you were younger?
When I was younger, I would shy away from sports because I wasn’t into gymnastics and dance like other girls and because sports such as football and basketball were male dominated, I never tried them out. Exercise seemed tiring and I couldn’t really find my sport, so I never tried to get involved.
How do you feel about exercise now?
Exercise is now an important part of my life and helps me cool off and release stress after long days at school as it gives me something fun to focus on.
Has there been anything that’s made you not want to exercise or feel like you couldn’t?
I found it quite hard to find a sports bra that gave me the right amount of support so that limited the amount of sport I was doing for a while, as I felt uncomfortable. When shopping for sports bras it’s useful to go with another female you’re comfortable with who can support you in making the right choice, e.g. mother, sister, aunty or friend. As well as looking at the sizes, it’s also important to look at the amount of support the bra offers, especially if you’re doing an intense sport to ensure you’re comfortable.
What has your experience with periods been like?
I always had irregular periods so I would end up getting them right before a match or mid-way through which made me feel quite uncomfortable. However, periods are normal, so they aren’t something I am embarrassed of!
A lot of girls struggle with their periods and often feel worried about exercising whilst on their period, what advice would you have for them?
It’s normal, they’re a part of life. Obviously, it isn’t the most comfortable thing exercising on your period, but it can be equally as fun to exercise on your period. You usually release stress when exercising which leaves you feeling happier and more accomplished. This can help you relax which ultimately helps with reducing cramps, so I advise exercising on your period. If I have a match or training on my heavy flow day, I’ll make sure to pack enough pads and wear tighter workout clothes to ensure my pad doesn’t shift.
Puberty can really affect our confidence and change the way we feel about our bodies. Has puberty affected your confidence at all?
For me it was mainly spots and acne. I started getting acne all over my forehead from around 10 years old and felt insecure. However, by the time I was 12 it began happening to everyone else too, so I felt less insecure as it was now a normal thing.
What advice would you give to someone who’s struggling with their confidence as a result of puberty?
It’s your body, embrace it! If you spend too much time worrying about how you look and what others think about your body, you will miss out on all the great opportunities the world has to offer.
What’s your favourite thing about exercise and sport?
I like how accessible exercise is, you don’t need equipment to do exercise or sport, it can just be going on a run in your area, doing an at home workout, a simple yoga class or going on a walk. It’s so easy to do sport and that’s what I love about it!
Start your journey
Ready to get started? Take a look at how Big Sister can help you navigate your journey through exercise and puberty with free resources and information on activities in your area.